Wednesday, April 19, 2006


She's more than a hand model--Frances is a dress model AND a bag model, too. And it's perfect for the gal on the go--check out her action shot. Just the perfect size for a sippy cup!


Wow! I haven't added any posts to this site for such a long time. I finished this bag/purse just before we went to the hospital to have Eleanor. I think it's rather cute. Not to mention that a purse is kind of out of the question until we're done with the diaper bag stage--a long time from now. And when I say "diaper bag", I mean 200 lb. duffel bag.
I got the pattern from a cool Japanese craft books. I just love those things. As soon as I get some time (er hmm), I'm gonna post some links to the books that I have (or have borrowed.) Ahh, so many things I want to do and make...

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