Friday, February 10, 2006

Gifts for the new Baby
Mom painted this festive little guy for the new baby. It was a Christmas gift and I thought it was so cute! What a jaunty fellow!

Jazzed up Ikea
Sorry for the out of order posts, it's just that I'm trying to get some stuff up here that I've made when I have a little time ("Barney's" on). I feel a little sense of urgency to post Franny's things before newbie comes.
So, this little diaper holder thingy I painted to match the walls and then machine embroidered some animals. It certainly makes a plain old Ikea look much better, in my opinion!

Festive Pennants
Here's the shelf in the context of her room. We only painted and stenciled two walls b/c of the windows. (Yes, it was a shortcut, but before you protest, we're renting now. Do I really want to paint around someone elses woodwork? I think the answer is clear.)
Anyway, I saw these cute bannery/used car lot looking pennants at Land of Nod when MG went a-shopping. I really liked the ones they had in the store, but even with MG's 30% discount, I couldn't see paying so much for their cute-ness when it was so easily make-able (that's truly my constant dilemma. If you don't believe, just check out one of our closets for proof of back-burnered projects.)
I just decided that posting pix of stuff I've actually gotten done (as opposed to the heaps in the closet) is quite gratifying indeed! Yay.

Here's the reluctant model. When I tried to put it on her in the morning, she started crying and saying "no, no..." Could this be payback for how I recieved some of my mother's beautiful home made creations? Or just a toddler's passing fancy?

Here's the dress that I (finally) finished for Frances. It's from a Debbie Bliss pattern. It was mostly stockinette stitch (boring), but I learned how to do lace and button holes and picked up some othe tricks. Though it looks decidedly home-made, I'm quite proud of it. Too bad it's like, two sizes too big right now.

Yarn-y goodness...
This is the delivery I got last week from Knit Picks. It was my first order from them and I was thoroughly impressed. So cheap! So woolly...and cottony! I was a little disappointed, though, b/c the colors didn't look to me exactly how I thought they would be according to the catalog. But that's ok, I'm sure they will look quite fetching knitted up as socks.
By the way, this year is officiallly "The Year of the Sock." Didn't know that? You thought it was The year of the Dog? Well, not around here, friend.
I was thinking concentrating on socks would be a good way to keep knitting with two little ones running (and crawling) around. I thought little=easy to pick up and put down. So, we'll see.
So, after I declared it Year of the Sock, I decided to start my projects for the new baby --due to arrive in 5 short weeks. And now you think it's socks or bootees, right? Logically enough, I'm making a stripey romper and a pullover vest (that's what the red cotton is for.) So glad that I'm already veering from my goal.
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Introducing: Sir Nigel; Lord or Argyle. But we knew him before he was knighted, so we just call him "Nige". He's gotta keep his street cred. I think he's quite handsome, but don't tell him that. He'll just complain about his receeding chin, all the while fishing for compliments. Typical aristicrat!
Anyway, he was the first of my sock creatures patterned from the book Stupid Sock Creatures by John Murphy. He was quite fun to make, and was followed in quick succession by another creature. This one, however, is part of the branch of the family that has been, shall we say, estranged?
This newer one is a scrapier, earthier version--a version that Nigel would rather forget. Maybe I'll post a picture of him, but "The Lord" insists on not sharing his blog space with such a crude creature. Once you get knighted, you do have a tendancy to "get above your raisin'".