Friday, February 10, 2006

Festive Pennants
Here's the shelf in the context of her room. We only painted and stenciled two walls b/c of the windows. (Yes, it was a shortcut, but before you protest, we're renting now. Do I really want to paint around someone elses woodwork? I think the answer is clear.)
Anyway, I saw these cute bannery/used car lot looking pennants at Land of Nod when MG went a-shopping. I really liked the ones they had in the store, but even with MG's 30% discount, I couldn't see paying so much for their cute-ness when it was so easily make-able (that's truly my constant dilemma. If you don't believe, just check out one of our closets for proof of back-burnered projects.)
I just decided that posting pix of stuff I've actually gotten done (as opposed to the heaps in the closet) is quite gratifying indeed! Yay.