Sunday, May 28, 2006
Whiling away the Hours

Ahhh...she's so clean and pristine...
So, I know that I really wanted to keep this blog strictly about crafting and the little things that I am doing around the house. As most of us mothers know, separating the kids and your life (which, may at the worst of times seems like a good idea), is impossible. Even on a blog where you can't really see me or how I spend most of my time. And you know, I love my life right now--even when it means I can only knit two rows on my latest project, or if I'm lucky sew a zipper on the skirt I've been working on for ages--so I'm really not complaining. Right now I'm just explaining how most of my time is spent nowadays. I think mothering is creative and exciting too--as I always say, you never know where the explosion's gonna happen--some days it shoots out the leg...