Friday, July 07, 2006
Considering the Cloth

So, this is what I've been busy making lately. Diapers. That's right, folks: sewing cloth diapers. Why you ask? Your husband is trying to dissuade you, you reason? You have two kids in diapers now, are you crazy? you say.
Well, I guess I am crazy for wanting to do this. It's just that ever since I saw some patterns for making cloth diapers out of stuff I had lying around anyway, and since I thought they were super-duper cute-sey, the idea of making my own diapers has been stuck in my craw.
Originally I was just looking around for ways to save us money (we're trying to squirrel away for a house...yeah, that's going to take longer than I origianlly had daydreamed). So, I saw all these sites about buying cloth diapers. "Hmmm," I thought, "these look make-by-me-able." Alas, I forgot about cloth diapers for awhile, though b/c the inital cost to start them was kind of an investment--and I wasn't really sure if I'd like doing it or not. Would it be worth the time I'd be spending washing them?
Then Mother sent me this site about how to make your own. I really get a kick out of re-using/re-cycling stuff, so, I decided to give it a whirl after all. Now maybe that nagging voice in my head telling me to do this will finallyl give it a rest!