Friday, July 07, 2006

Here's my little model. I haven't given Eleanor the official nod yet because I'm still looking for the right sort of material for the diaper cover.
I did by some nylon and covered it with som cute "polchester" as my sister would say. But there was...shall we say....unpleasantness in the inial test run. I guess you could say that it wasn't a dry run. Not dry at all. Was it the fault of the diaper cover or too loose leg gussets? Don't know. Gotta do some trial and error yet.
I am planning on waiting until Ellie's a bit older until I turn her bladder and bowels loose (yes, that mixed metaphor was intentional. aplogies). She goes all the time now, so waiting until she's a bit more regular is fine by me. Maybe by that time I will have found the perfect working combo.