Saturday, July 08, 2006
It's Finished!

So, This is me in the tank. I always get annoyed at people who post headless pics of finished stuff. I'm always so curious to see what they look like. Now that I'm blogging my stuff myself, I can see why it's OK to leave some things to mystery.
Overall I'm pleased. Not because it's stunning, but because it's a finished project that I'm actually planning on wearing. As opposed to balling up in the corner of my closet never to be seen again. I'm not gonna lie and say it looks fab. Not sure whether to blame that on my craftmanship, or my post-partum-bosomy bounty. Probably a combo., but I don't care. I made it. It's summer. It fits. I'm wearing it. So there.
By the way, the Hub took this pic of me on our balcony. I love our balcony b/c there's all sorts of friendly trees and they're starting to crowd over our railing. Since we're up in the air, it makes for a nice Swiss Family Robinson feel. I've always wanted to live in a treehouse, you know.