Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Care Package

Lovely gifts from Germany arrived the other day! She sent a package for Ellie and I got stuff too! Nivea deodorant (the aerosol kind that you can't find here), chocolate, and of these beautiful mugs--two of them. I can't imagane how they made it here unbroken. Miracle! Also, she sent some cute things for Eleanor, but most of all, her very own special set of silverware. A set with knife, fork and 2 (two!) spoons. All with her name lovingly engraved. She sent some for Franny, too. Frances has little gnomes on hers, and Ellie's have some cute kids. I should really post a picture considering how much time I've spent describing them. Anyway, thanks, Julia. It was so thoughtful of you. We love you! (and not just for that!)