Tuesday, January 02, 2007
It's Personalized!

So, here is my Christmas craft. I thought this idea was just so nifty! You may be wondering what it is. Well, I'll tell you. It's a very comfy, very cozy Personalized Hot Water Bottle Cover with Hot Water Bottle included. Every gal needs one. Who, in fact, can be without one? What does a girl need to soothe a cramp? Give comfort when needed? Warm a wintry bed? The answer of course, is a Hot Water Bottle--and it helps if there's a personalized cover, too! Again, recycled sweaters were called upon to help and a little bit of needle felting and, voila! I made on for my beloved aunt Kat, too. The recipients seemed to be baffled, yet pleased. Exaclty the results I was going for. Sure, a little explanation was needed. Steady stearing away from any sort of "enema" bag thoughts, yes, 'tis true. But once the light bulb was turned on, it seemed to bring a favorable response. I have a hand-knittled one on the needles right now for mother (the one you see here is for Mother-in-Law). There are some fussy cables involved, so unfortunatley, the Dec. 25th deadline wasn't met. But, fortunatley, she's a crafty type and understands about giving WIPs. All in all, I'm pleased with the results--the only regret is that now that I've given them, I wish I had lined them. More on that later....