Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Valentine' s Day? Really??

Am I really posting about Valentine's Day shenanigans? But, it's Feb. 27th or sthg. Feb.'s last gasp--it's death rattle, so to speak. Well, I guess this post is an homage to the shortest/longest month we've experienced this year. (We'll just frame it up thusly since it's really all my own fault for not posting these pics sooner. I'm gonna learn how to upload pics from the camera. Really, Michael, I'm gonna learn.)
Anyway, seems this month has been full of hits and misses--mostly misses to be honest, but that's ok. The cupcakes are from a "Cupid's Tea"/playdate we were hosting, but had to postpone b/c of the blizzard that hit the Chicago area the previous day. (see illus. upper right.)
The 2nd uppermost pic (don't really like the placement, but not sure how to change it) is from our "seasonal table". Can you guess it's the season of love??? Well, now that I've shown you that, I gotta think about changing it for spring already. Sheep? Lambs? Bunnies? hmmm.
And on top you see the pretty vases and roses that my Valentine gave me. It was totally unexpected and so sweet. I was planning on a nice meal for my Valentine (steaks, potates--go straight to a man's heart--literally and figuratively, right?) But, that, too went pear-shaped b/c of the weather. I think we had casserole. Isn't that romantic?
We never really make a big deal about V-Day, so all in all it was a success.

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