Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Care Package

Lovely gifts from Germany arrived the other day! She sent a package for Ellie and I got stuff too! Nivea deodorant (the aerosol kind that you can't find here), chocolate, and of these beautiful mugs--two of them. I can't imagane how they made it here unbroken. Miracle! Also, she sent some cute things for Eleanor, but most of all, her very own special set of silverware. A set with knife, fork and 2 (two!) spoons. All with her name lovingly engraved. She sent some for Franny, too. Frances has little gnomes on hers, and Ellie's have some cute kids. I should really post a picture considering how much time I've spent describing them. Anyway, thanks, Julia. It was so thoughtful of you. We love you! (and not just for that!)
Millions of Cats

Here's my girl modeling the latest pullover vest. Knitted in cherry red with cat button detail. She dosen't look happy wearing it here, but trust me, the cats are a big hit here. It's actually quite convenient that little sister is so chunky, b/c she can wear it too. True, it does engender a bit of jealousy, but nothing that can't be distracted with a "look over there!" Actually, it was made for "li'l Ellie", but since Franny can still squeeze into it, why not double up? May as well get used to it, darlings.
Fall Fest

For a playdate, Franny and made some treats. It was a "Fall Fest" playdate theme (we like themes here) which plans included kicking piles of leaves, scavenging pumpkins, and going on a Nature walk. (Spider cupcakes go with a Fall theme--right?) Well, the weather was very cold, so those things didn't get done, however, we still enjoyed the eatin'.

Frances painstakingly adhered all 6 legs and both "mini M&M" eyes. And she didn't lick her fingers at all. At all.
Just a Little Jazz

Here's the before: a pair of thrifted '70's denim overalls. They need some, well, some Jazz. It has to be said. Have I mentioned that I've totally been into appliqueing of late?
Lions, and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! or Christmas Crafting Begins

Aren't they cute? Well, they sure look different than I imagined them to look, but I guess they are OK. Since they're a gift, I don't expect any complaints. If I never see them again, I guess that'll tell me. The proof of this pudding is in the wearing, I guess you could say. They are made of a sweater that I felted and then I needle felted the lion's fur and embellished with embroidery. I sewed some leather soles on so the little tyke dosen't take a needless spill and did some blanket stitching around the edges. I think I may add some elastic around the cuff, too. If this little guy is anything like my kids, he'll be tugging at these things like crazy. I'm not so sure they look like lions, but at least they don't look like mice anymore. That was what MG implied upon the first go 'round. That was before all the improvements, of course.