Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Gettin' Organized
I say "supposed to", because I quickly found out that while the daily tasks are do-able, the weekly, montlies and yearlies get to be a drag to have to do along with just living my life with two small children. I don't want to be chained to my card file with a clean house while my kids are just watching TV b/c I don't have time to make a mess or start a project or go on a walk. There's got to be a balance here because the idea is good. I think I just have to tweak it.
So, all this happened at the beginning of the new year. I think I stuck with it until the spring when finally I threw the towel in on the file. But not totally. Here are the things I loved about it: 1.) the sense of purpose you get--you don't feel overwhelmed with keeping the whole house cleaned because if you just keep up with the small tasks, it'll all get cleaned at some point. 2.) the sense of order you get. I love the idea of turning the week into, if not a routine, a rhythym. You see, I was forced to sort of map out my week. Monday is preschool day, Tuesday is Laundy day, Wednesday is heavy cleaning day, Thursday is computer/planning day, Friday is cleaning/baking day. I've never thought about my week that way, and not that those days are written in stone, but it gives me a plan.
Another good thing 3.) that came from this is that I really started working on my menu planning. I am convinced menu planning is such a life/time/money saver. It's just a shame not to do it (and yet, that does happen. er hmmm.) What helped me with this is planning out my week in a similiar way. Monday is leftover day, Tuesday is chicken, Wednesday is salad, Thursday is beef , Friday is "family fun day" do that = pizza or pasta. That really has made my meal planning much less overwheming b/c as I'm planning my week out, I just have to focus on chicken recipes for Tuesday and so on. I thoroghly reccommend menu planning. It's the bomb!
Havng said all that, it's now July. These pictures, as I have mentioned, were taken in January. Things have slidden a bit around here. But I'm looking to get back in the saddle again. I want to keep posting and updating this blog because how else am I going to document where all my time goes? I want to show and write about all the projects happening here so I'm rededicating myself to that purpose and to more organized living (within limits, my friends, within limits.)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Waffle Iron Cookies
Yumm! Cookies! These were some of my favorite cookies as a kid. Very easy to make and kid-friendly b/c there's no oven involved--admittedly a hot waffle iron isn't exactly kid-safe, it's still fun. We got to make these at Mom and Dad's b/c we lack a regular sized waffle -iron. Ours is Belgian style. The squares are too big for my liking for a good old waffle cookie. Hmmm....I should put that on my thrifting list...
Anyway, these were a bit hit. Here's the recipe:
Waffle Iron Cookies (aka Turtle Cookies)
Use an electric mixer. Cream together:
1 1/2 C. Sugar 1 C. Shortening (yikes!!)
4 eggs, beaten well 2 t. vanilla
2 C. flour
1/2 C. cocoa 1/4 t. salt
Sift the flour, cocoa and salt together. Mix well--thinck, fluffy dough. Grease waffle iron for fist time. Drop dough on waffle iron in small drops (rounded teaspoonfuls). Put lid down; bake short time;watch closely as burns easily. Very soft cookie at first--firms up as they cool. Frost with chocolate butter frosting and top with a pecan half. Enjoy!!
Labels: cooking, cooking with kids, recipes
Time Well Spent
It was another really great week visiting my parents. We didn't shop, we didn't go out to eat, in fact, we hardly left the house. Perfect. We made lots of messes, but they were "productive puddles" so, it was OK.
I worked on my 4th in a series (pictures to follow) of this top. The ruffle really took me forever (especially working in 15 min. increments), but I think I'm really going to like it. Though no one would ever really describe me as a "ruffly girl" (or lanky, for that matter, but oh well.), I think it's fun for a change. The other 3 tops like this I've made have been sans ruffle.
I also made some more diapers. It was a flannel sheet windfall. Mom ripped it with her big toe. (funny image), so I got, or rather Ellie got the spoils.
I also worked on my sock, ransacked Mom's trims and buttons for other projects. All in all it was a productive, fun week. As you can see, my usually so tidy Frances got in on the fun. She's such a tidy little girl. Obviously not inherited from her Memsie or Mama.
Labels: crafting with kids, sewing
Kickin' It Up a Notch--It's Official, Papa Can Do Anything!
Well, this is the fruit of our visit to my parents' for the week. Though they are only half finished, these little pieces represent a week's worth of "papa's" hard work. While we were inside sewing, crafting and playing, we heard the sound of sanding, hammering and drilling (oh, and loud, LOUD talk radio.) You see, Papa was busy restoring these pieces to their former glory--and even better. The little cabinet was a Christmas gift to the girls. It had to be refinished and now "Memsie" wants to pain on it. It'll be so cute holding Franny's tea set and other sundry items. It's so special b/c she used to play with it when she was a little girl--and her grandfather made it for her. Watching our girls play with it will really be a joy.
The other piece was an oven that Dad made for me. When I saw this from Land of Nod, I got the great idea that Dad should re-do it for the kids. (umm..let's be serious...i'm not spending more on a toy than my actual kitchen appliances cost! yikes!) Though I couldn't really imagine what all would be involved, my Dearest Dad threw himself into the project. It will be complete with fixtures, a little sink and everything. It's gonna be fab! My dad is awesome! Now if I can just get Frances to wait until the're finished--she keeps asking to "cook now, Mom..."
Labels: crafting with kids, gift
Valentine' s Day? Really??
Am I really posting about Valentine's Day shenanigans? But, it's Feb. 27th or sthg. Feb.'s last gasp--it's death rattle, so to speak. Well, I guess this post is an homage to the shortest/longest month we've experienced this year. (We'll just frame it up thusly since it's really all my own fault for not posting these pics sooner. I'm gonna learn how to upload pics from the camera. Really, Michael, I'm gonna learn.)
Anyway, seems this month has been full of hits and misses--mostly misses to be honest, but that's ok. The cupcakes are from a "Cupid's Tea"/playdate we were hosting, but had to postpone b/c of the blizzard that hit the Chicago area the previous day. (see illus. upper right.)
The 2nd uppermost pic (don't really like the placement, but not sure how to change it) is from our "seasonal table". Can you guess it's the season of love??? Well, now that I've shown you that, I gotta think about changing it for spring already. Sheep? Lambs? Bunnies? hmmm.
And on top you see the pretty vases and roses that my Valentine gave me. It was totally unexpected and so sweet. I was planning on a nice meal for my Valentine (steaks, potates--go straight to a man's heart--literally and figuratively, right?) But, that, too went pear-shaped b/c of the weather. I think we had casserole. Isn't that romantic?
We never really make a big deal about V-Day, so all in all it was a success.
Labels: cooking with kids, winter
Friday, February 09, 2007
Birthday Boys and Some Extra Thoughts
I zipped the card together, too using the scraps. Love that quick card thing.
I totally shamlessly lifted these ideas from two places: first, Soule Mama's blog (she writes one of my very favoritest crafty blogs--this woman is amazing! I don't know how she does it all with three unschooled kids. That's my inspiriation, really, to stay creative and productive myself while unschooling my kids--a few years from now.
Anyway, lots of the stuff she makes me want to bite my fist at how cute/creative it is. And makes me remember when I'm feeling stressed b/c I haven't had time to make anything, much less shower, that this creative life with children is a dance, really. Creating with your kids--not despite them. Using the time and space you have now and being OK with that. Also, taking what you can get and choosing to be satisfied. Yes, choosing satisfaction.
Anyway, off the tangent and back to the point. The 2nd source of inspiration/idea stealing is from Jenny Hart's Sublime Stitching.
Yay. Happy Birthday, boys!
Labels: sewing
Making Beautiful Jewlery
So, we have had to come up with lots of indoor crafts. Pipe cleaner/wooden bead jewelry was one of those crafts.
Labels: crafting with kids, winter
Full-Time Clothin' It
Well, since I wasn't sure if I'd like to use cloth diapers and wasn't sure it was going to be worth the time washing them would take, and worth the initial investment, (which, as I was shopping for them, I realized could be just as expensive as using disposables for two years--after you figure in cost of water, detergent and most precious of all, time), I didn't buy cloth diapers, no, no, no, my friend.
After lots of thinking and lots of soul/internet searching, I decided to make some fitteds and some covers. Then, more recently, after I got my new-to-me serger (though not quite sure how to use that thing as of yet), I made some pre-folds.
Which brings me to today: Why , after investing so much time in making these things, am I still buying dipes? Also, we're trying to save money in any way we can (which, as I found out, does NOT include buying Japanese craft books or going over your cell phone minutes....yikes.) and not buying diapers is definitely a way to save some cash. Also, it's one less thing to think about--"will I have enough diapers to get me through?..."
So, my problem was, what can I use for nighttime? Well, lookie, lookie here. Eleanor is modeling her recycled sweater wool soaker. Here are the instructions. I've made two so far and am felting another sweater today in order to make another. The fact that they're not washed after every use really grosses MG out, but he still has not discovered the absolute genius of wool.
So, there you go, dear Readers (both of you): My Cloth Diaper Story. And it was a long one. Now the only problem is getting pants to fit over Ellie's...generous curves plus the bulky diapers. Guess it'll be high time to get crackin' on that next!
Let me just add, as I was searching the internet for diper patterns, I came across this recipe for baby wipes. Using cloth wipes is just too crunchy for me--not to mention cloth toilet paper (yes, there's a tutorial for that, too), but when I found myself stranded with no wipes in the home, I came across this. And I had everything I needed, and they work great! I totally feel so thrifty when I make a new batch of these. Gotta make up for that last trip to Jo-Ann's somehow.
Labels: kids clothes, sewing
It's Pizza Night!
It's also time to make pizza! Franny likes to make her own "Baby Beepa" as you see in the upper corner.
Here's my mom's totally yummy recipe for pizza sauce:
Mom's Pizza Sauce
In a medium saucepan, combine:
8 oz. can tomato sauce
7 1/2 oz. can undrained tomatoes (dice them if they're whole)
1/2 C. chopped onion
1 T. dried basil
1 t sugar
1 t oregano
2 cloves garlic
1/4 t pepper
Boil, then simmer about 10 min. or until onion is tender.
I usually make a double batch and then use it for next week's pizza night. Or, we make a really saucy pizza! This sauce is good b/c then you don't have to bother putting onions on the pie. Yum!
Happy Friday!
Labels: cooking with kids, recipes
A "Mousy" Salad
In an effort to make lunch time (and fruit) more appealing to Frances, we made a "Mous-y" salad. Totally inpired by this cookbook I had when I was a kid. (well, technically, I had the '80's version of the cookbook, but the same recipe is in there,)
Diagnosis: Really wanted to eat the mouse b/c it looked fun, yet, didn't want to "wreck" to mousy, b/c he was so cute. What a quandry!
Labels: cooking with kids, food
A Pox Is Upon our House!
Before the Sick Fairy visited her whole wrath upon us, I was able to make a vat o' soup (Chicken soup and homemade noodles!) and get out to buy some Vit. C. Then there was nothing to do but wait.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
So Cozy
Mom made it for me! It was a Christmas gift fashioned from her formerly favorite sweater, and now it's keeping my mug cozy. That's pretty great when you're obliged to abandon your cuppa joe to fish a tissue out of E's mouth or to "hep, Mama" with a Franny craft of some sort.
Anyway, I'm adding this b/c I thought it was a fantastic idea. Namely, it was my idea! Ha, that's right, my creative mother took a cue from me. The thing is, the way she executed it was waaaay better than I had thought in my head. Though it was a quick make, mine would've probably been more,well, slapped together. Mother, on the other hand, lined hers. Also, there is a bead detail added at the top. She always knows how to top me.
I have to keep it in mind, b/c lining is such a simple touch, but makes everything oh, so nice. The hot water bottle covers would totally have been great lined. Sigh. Oh mother...
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
My Friend Margarita, aka "The Fastest Fingers on the Eastern Seaboard"

Margarita--I swear she has a knitting machine stashed somewhere in that Queens apartment of hers. Anyway, a little package arrived for the girls for Christmas and in it was this totally cute scarf. It's a little sheep to keep Franny's neck warm. I just love the button eyes and the wool is ever-so-soft as well. Such a great kid gift. I love handmade stuff!

This is our little model showing off her gums along with the beautiful capelet Maragrita knitted for her. She looks like she's really enjoying it! I was reallly touched to get such a beautiful, hand-made gift for little Ellie when we came visiting to New York in October (yes, that was a long time ago. Yes, I'm just posting about it now. Er hmm)
It must've taken her hours! She mentioned that she made it while she was away in Spain. Colors inspired by the Alhambra. Anyway, only a fellow knitter understands--that means love!

Isn't it lovely? I'm really impressed with the fair-isle design--which is something that I haven't tried yet. Following the charts are not so easy for me, but this is so cool that I may be inspired to bite the bullet (and clench my buttocks) to try. So cute!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Our Li'l Tree

Aren't these cute? I downloaded these sweet decorations and Frances and I colored them up and dressed them, too. After we discovered this size, we found some mini ones, too that we cuted-up and hung, too. Some we gave away on the gifts, too. People seemed to like that. I'll def. want to make more next year. I have them printed out and am planning on putting them into the Chrismas decor box so that I'll remember. I love Kiddley!

Here's our little tree in all its minuscule glory. We had to go small/table top style this year because of a certain handsy 9 month old who shall remain nameless. I loved our tree this year even though she's so modest. She's ours and we loved her. And although it's January now, I still don't want to take it down. Not just because I don't want to physically have to dismantle it, either.

A close-up of our happy garlands. I preferred the tinier ones better, but there weren't so many of those in the variety pack I bought. The two-year old, liked stringing the big pom-poms better. I like the effect and think I will hang them around long after our little tree is taken down.
It's Personalized!

So, here is my Christmas craft. I thought this idea was just so nifty! You may be wondering what it is. Well, I'll tell you. It's a very comfy, very cozy Personalized Hot Water Bottle Cover with Hot Water Bottle included. Every gal needs one. Who, in fact, can be without one? What does a girl need to soothe a cramp? Give comfort when needed? Warm a wintry bed? The answer of course, is a Hot Water Bottle--and it helps if there's a personalized cover, too! Again, recycled sweaters were called upon to help and a little bit of needle felting and, voila! I made on for my beloved aunt Kat, too. The recipients seemed to be baffled, yet pleased. Exaclty the results I was going for. Sure, a little explanation was needed. Steady stearing away from any sort of "enema" bag thoughts, yes, 'tis true. But once the light bulb was turned on, it seemed to bring a favorable response. I have a hand-knittled one on the needles right now for mother (the one you see here is for Mother-in-Law). There are some fussy cables involved, so unfortunatley, the Dec. 25th deadline wasn't met. But, fortunatley, she's a crafty type and understands about giving WIPs. All in all, I'm pleased with the results--the only regret is that now that I've given them, I wish I had lined them. More on that later....

I'm really in a bird-mood this Chrimma. I love them. This one is for Kathryn ("BFF"). She said she liked it. She sounded sincere.
More Footwear

Here are the slippers I made for Baby 'Nell. It's not a very fantastic picture, but it's really hard to photograph the feet of a perpetual motion-machine. I used a recycled sweater like I did for Baby Isaac and just embroidered on them. I just did the design out of my head, but this Jenny Hart book is totally inspirational, too. I got one for my BFF, and one for myself for good measure.
When I Close My Eyes, I See Visions of Cookies Dancing in My Head

So, lots of baking ensued. We made sugar cookies, date-nut pinwheels and caramel corn. Whew! And Frances helped me every step. We were blarring the Christmas music and got the floor sufficiently floured up. I have to admit, up to this point, I hadn't really been gettin' the Chrismas spirit. Making cookies with Franny really got me there. Who can deny the powere of the sprinkles?

Notice the lack of crimson. Yeah, that ones a favorite around here for all kinds of crafting. Thusly, a very "cool tones" Christmas cookie pallette.
Fun with Pine Cones

One of our first acts of giving this season was to give our aviary friends a little morsel. Even though we have not a speck of snow on the ground, and there's probably lots of sustenence out there (in fact just a few days ago i saw some juicy worms out there. Shouldn't worms be hibernating this time of year? hmm...) Anyway, it's always nice to get, like a meat and cheese sampler this year. So, here's the bird-version. Peanut butter and birdseed pinecones. Hung delectably off our balcony. These things were picked dry in about 1 day. It was a rush of excitement watching the birds gathering and gossiping so close to us. Then, when the pincones were clean, we didn't see our fair-weather (feathered) friends again. Then again, we should've really kept giving them something to eat. It's actually not so nice to just withhold llike that. But what can we say? Other things caught our fancies. So, I guess we have the attention span of birds, too. Sorry, charlies.

Do you remeber doing this in elementary school? Well, I decided that we couldn't possible wait until 1st grade to make these fun decorations. I mean, can you ever have enough glittered and glammed up pinecones? You see, our apt. complex has TONS of fir trees and so MANY unsuspecting pinecones just lying around BEGGING to be made-over! At least that's how Franny and I saw it!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Care Package

Lovely gifts from Germany arrived the other day! She sent a package for Ellie and I got stuff too! Nivea deodorant (the aerosol kind that you can't find here), chocolate, and of these beautiful mugs--two of them. I can't imagane how they made it here unbroken. Miracle! Also, she sent some cute things for Eleanor, but most of all, her very own special set of silverware. A set with knife, fork and 2 (two!) spoons. All with her name lovingly engraved. She sent some for Franny, too. Frances has little gnomes on hers, and Ellie's have some cute kids. I should really post a picture considering how much time I've spent describing them. Anyway, thanks, Julia. It was so thoughtful of you. We love you! (and not just for that!)
Millions of Cats

Here's my girl modeling the latest pullover vest. Knitted in cherry red with cat button detail. She dosen't look happy wearing it here, but trust me, the cats are a big hit here. It's actually quite convenient that little sister is so chunky, b/c she can wear it too. True, it does engender a bit of jealousy, but nothing that can't be distracted with a "look over there!" Actually, it was made for "li'l Ellie", but since Franny can still squeeze into it, why not double up? May as well get used to it, darlings.
Fall Fest

For a playdate, Franny and made some treats. It was a "Fall Fest" playdate theme (we like themes here) which plans included kicking piles of leaves, scavenging pumpkins, and going on a Nature walk. (Spider cupcakes go with a Fall theme--right?) Well, the weather was very cold, so those things didn't get done, however, we still enjoyed the eatin'.

Frances painstakingly adhered all 6 legs and both "mini M&M" eyes. And she didn't lick her fingers at all. At all.
Just a Little Jazz

Here's the before: a pair of thrifted '70's denim overalls. They need some, well, some Jazz. It has to be said. Have I mentioned that I've totally been into appliqueing of late?
Lions, and Tigers and Bears, Oh My! or Christmas Crafting Begins

Aren't they cute? Well, they sure look different than I imagined them to look, but I guess they are OK. Since they're a gift, I don't expect any complaints. If I never see them again, I guess that'll tell me. The proof of this pudding is in the wearing, I guess you could say. They are made of a sweater that I felted and then I needle felted the lion's fur and embellished with embroidery. I sewed some leather soles on so the little tyke dosen't take a needless spill and did some blanket stitching around the edges. I think I may add some elastic around the cuff, too. If this little guy is anything like my kids, he'll be tugging at these things like crazy. I'm not so sure they look like lions, but at least they don't look like mice anymore. That was what MG implied upon the first go 'round. That was before all the improvements, of course.